Pictures: visit Belle-Vue Brewery

On Saturday 14th of January 2023 De Lambikstoempers paid an exclusive visit to Belle-Vue Brewery in Sint-Pieters-Leeuw, where we were shown around by brewery manager Han Vandenbroucke with a dialogue about the authenticity and evolution of the production process, the promotion of lambic beers and what role Belle-Vue (and by extension AB Inbev) can play in this.

A visit that will be talked about for a long time…

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Pictures: Visiting St-Feuillien brewery

On Saturday 28th of May 2022, De Lambikstoempers paid another visit to Brasserie St-Feuillien in Le Rœulx. We had already been there once in 2007, but in the meantime a lot has changed and… improved in both camps!

Edwin Dedoncker, General Manager at Brasserie St-Feuillien S.A., welcomed us with pleasure and gave a short “exposé” in the “Grand Cru” room under the old brewery. This was followed by an extensive tour of the old brewery and the new one. And of course there was also time to taste, on the sun-drenched terrace of the brewery! You can clearly see from the photos below that it was – once again – in order…

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