Pictures: Beer walk in Antwerp

Saturday 30th of may 2015, De Lambikstoempers went to Antwerp for a walk along different beer places. Our day was divided in 3 parts …

1. Visit of (the construction site of) the De Koninck Brewery, still with a lot of work in process on the new visitors centre.

2. Lunch at Café De Pelgrim.

3. A city walk along different beer cafés like ‘t Waagstuk and ‘t Antwaerps Bierhuiske, winner of our Gouden Lambikstoemper 2014.

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Pictures: Westhoeken

On the 21th of may 2015 De Lambikstoempers went ‘Westhoeken’, consisting of a nostalgic game of Boltra (Watou), a visit to De Struise Brouwers (Vleteren) and a visit to hopfarm ‘t Hoppecruyt (Proven). Enjoy our pictures below! We enjoyed our day in the Westhoek.

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