… ‘In de Verzekering tegen de Grote Dorst’ in Lennik (Eizeringen)
On the basis of a by now impressive list of lambic loving establishments, a number of criteria (which were drawn up after many hours of discussions) and after anonymous site visits to the proposed establishments, we, De Lambikstoempers vzw, awarded our Golden Lambikstoemper Award for the 14th time on Sunday 29 October 2023 to the establishment that, in our eyes, has paid the most attention to lambic beers in 2023.
And this year’s winner has become ‘In de Verzekering tegen de Grote Dorst’ (Frans Baetensstraat 45 at 1750 Eizeringen)! As soon as you set foot inside, you imagine yourself in the late 40s or early 50s. It was sometimes called “the pub with the longest name and the shortest opening hours” because since the 1970s it was only open from 10am to 1.30pm, but that changed in 2017. On the occasion of the establishment’s 175th anniversary, manager Kurt Panneels decided to keep the café open from 10am to 8pm on Sundays and high days from now on. Meanwhile, it was also voted ‘best beer destination in the world’ several times!
And now the inn on the church square of Eizeringen may also receive the Golden Lambikstoemper Award 2023, thanks to one of the most extensive geuze and krieks selections in the world. Congratulations Kurt… and the entire Panneels family!
Traditionally, the Golden Lambikstoemper was awarded during our Day(s) of the Oude Geuze, on the parking lot of the Streekproducten Centrum in Halle, on 28 & 29 October 2023, or the last weekend of the Month of the Lambic, organised by Tourism Flemish Brabant.
The Golden Lambikstoemper Award is an artistic certificate provided with some poetry by Ludo Buggenhout. Winner Kurt Panneels received his award from the hands of our chairman, Johan “Wanne” Madalijns.

Golden Lambikstoemper Award 2024
Because year after year it becomes more and more difficult to award our Golden Lambikstoemper to an equal and rightful new winner, we might not award a Golden Lambikstoemper every year. Are you convinced that we really missed someone who should win it next year? Then be sure to let us know!
How? By sending us your favourite for the Golden Lambikstoemper 2024 via our website. And yes, you can do that all year round.

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