Pictures: Tasting Cheese & Beer, part(y) 2

For the second year in a row we blind tasted 2x three cheeses and three beers and tried to make the ideal combination, with the books of Michel Van Tricht and Ben Vinken as a guide. Together we searched which cheese best suited a beer offered, so that they formed a harmonious whole in the mouth … And once again, it became a more than successful and discussion-packed evening! 😉 The offered combinations, which were only announced at the end of the evening:
1st round
1. Li Petit Rossê, a Belgian biological cheese with fresh milk Westmalle Tripel
2. Fourme d’Ambert, a French cheese from Saint-Just Rochefort 8
3. Brugge Blomme, Belgian cheese based on pasteurized cow’s milk Straffe Hendrik
2nd round
1. Mimolette Extra old (18 months), a French cheese based on pasteurized cow’s milk Westmalle Dubbel
2. Brillat Savarin Affiné, French soft cheese based on pasteurized milk Oude Geuze Boon
3. Buche de Tradition Cendrée, soft goat’s cheese with a light gray ash layer Kwaremont
Despite the advice of Vinken & Van Tricht our test panel came to some new/different/better(*) combinations , being the Old Geuze Boon with the Buche de Tradition Cendrée, Kwaremont with the Brillat Savarin Affiné, Straffe Hendrik with Li Petit Rossê and Westmalle Tripel with the Brugge Blomme cheese. (* Les goûts et les couleurs, you know.)

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